Ways to show love
Tips http://www.new-dating.com/search.php
Now that you have set off with a new date, here are some tips to show your Love or affection towards him/her. Using some of the below can help you to get over your date also get them hooked to you for life.
Hug her/him once in a while.
Write a love note.
Call her/him at work just to say "Hi."
Give a foot massage when both of you are together.
Tell a joke. Share his comments.
Caress her/him with slow gentle strokes.
Go for a walk with her/him.
Admit your mistakes. Do not hide them.
Say: "I love you."
Listen to her/him talk about an interest of hers/his.
Be trustworthy. Do not act or project yourself too much.
Look at her/him straight into the eyes when you're in a discussion.
Send her/him flowers.
Compliment something she/he did.
Offer to help when in need or in a dilemma.
Ask her/him what she'd/he'd like sexually.
Go away together for a weekend holiday.
Listen to her/him (even if she/he is boring you.)
Plan a candlelit dinner.
Take a shower together.
Share sexual fantasies.
Do a work project together.
Surprise her/him with a gift.
Cook her/his favorite meal.
Put on some romantic music when together.
Ask her/him how he feels when in physical intimacy.
Let her/him know when you are proud of her/him.
Watch a sunset together.
Play a game together.
Let him/her know you care.
Tips http://www.new-dating.com/search.php